Bready's Commission Info - ON HIATUS!

Hi there! I'm Existential Bread aka Bready and I animate emotes and other motion graphics.COMMISSIONS ON HIATUS!
(No return date estimate yet)

I also take rush orders for 1.5x the normal price.
You can find more examples of my work here!

Terms of service

  • I only accept commissions through PayPal invoices. You have the choice of paying everything upfront or 50% before I start and 50% before I send your finished animations.

  • I only start working after the first (or only) payment has been completed. Likewise, you'll receive your finished animations after all payments are completed.

  • I prefer to work with layered .psd files. While I can animate from simple PNG's (and have done it before), this will significantly raise your emote's price.

  • Prices may vary depending on your file's complexity and the type of animation you want me to do. I reserve the right to ask for extra charges if the animation takes more time than initially estimated (eg. you ask for multiple revisions).

  • No refunds after I've already started working on your commission.

  • I reserve the right to decline commissions if I so choose. If, for whatever reason, I cancel your commission after already starting on it, your commission will be refunded.

  • My animations are primarily meant for Twitch, Discord, and personal websites. You're free to use your commissioned animations in these contexts. You may not resell or redistribute my animations further.

  • If I'm the artist of your animation, I retain full copyrights to the image. You may not profit from the image in any way outside the intended streaming context.

  • I retain the right to use all commissions I've worked on in portfolios and other promotions (if collaborating artists also agree to it).


Q: What programs do you use?
A: Adobe After Effects and Photoshop for animating, CSP for drawing.
Q: What is a "layered .psd file" you ask for during commissions?
A: .psd is a Photoshop document, but any digital illustration program (CSP, Procreate...) should export as those files with no problem! I need this file so it works in After Effects properly.
"Layered" just means that there are layers inside the file, so my process of cutting up the emote will be easier. Here are two examples of what I mean:

This is the best way to have layers in your emote - each body part on a separate layer.

This is also fine! I can separate them further myself. ANY layers are good!

Q: I don't have a layered .psd file. Can I still commission you?
A: Of course! I animate files without layers, such as PNG's. I also draw the art myself. Just keep in mind (just like my TOS says!), this takes more time than animating layered files, and so will end up costing more.

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